Sunday, December 19, 2010

#3 Ceschi - The One Man Band Broke Up

Here is one album that in some ways easily could have been number one on the list. And most years it probably would have been. But 2010 has been an amazing year when it comes to albums so unfortunately for Ceschi, he ended on on number 3. But that doesn't take anything away from either him or the album The One Man Band Broke Up. It is one of those albums that you listen to from beginning to end every single time and every song is a masterpiece in itself. Of course I have some personal favourites such as Half Mast, Hang Man and Bad Jokes, but like I said, every single song on this album holds its own. I won't get tired of either hearing Ceschi or The One Man Band Broke Up for a long long time.

"My top musical event of this year would have to be the Guided By Voices reunion with Tobin Sprout. I feel privileged, never thought I'd see all of those classic songs from Bee Thousand and Alien Lanes performed live."


1 comment:

eatmyears said...

och där kom 1:a placeringen för mig ;)