Friday, October 08, 2010

The Tallest Man on Earth - Sometimes the Blues is Just a Passing Bird

I can never thank my friend Anna-Maria enough for one thing. She was the one who introduced me to the world of The Tallest Man on Earth. She brought me to his show at Storan in Gothenburg last year, and since that moment very few days pass without me listening to at least one song by this man. Now he's followed up his latest album The Wild Hunt with this EP. Five songs written on the road and recorded recently on break from touring. And once again he blows me away. I don't think Kristian Matsson can put a foot wrong in my book. He will continue to follow me daily for a long time ahead.

1 comment:

Åsa said...

Jag kan inte annat än att hålla med. Och tacka dig för att du, inte fick mig att upptäcka honom, men fick mig att börja lyssna på honom.