Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Noah23 - Wingfoot

Did anyone really believe that Noah23 was retiring for good? In the rap game, retirement for some reason rarely lasts longer than a year. Then they are back as if nothing happened. Part of me is happy that he's back, part of me don't care at all. He's released a lot of good material throughout the years, but since he's one of those that releases tons of stuff, he's also dropped quite a lot of bad records too. It felt like he somehow had found himself when he signed up with Fake Four Inc. to release Fry Cook on Venus. He felt secure, had good tunes all the way through and it was a solid album. Wingfoot feels like a bit of step back. Not bad, but just that this is something that we've heard from him before. A shame really, but I'm sure he will release a new full length album in a week or two. 
Rating: 5/10

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