Monday, February 25, 2013

Kay the Aquanaut & Factor - Letters from Laika

Kay the Aquanaut and Factor are probably two of Canada's most reliable artists, and have been for several years now. As soon as either one of them release something, you know that the standard will be very high and that the risk of getting disappointed is slim. So when these two guys team up for the full length album Letters from Laika, you know that you're in for some first class hip hop. 11 tracks of the smoothest beats and tightest rhymes around is what we're getting served here, and it sure is a tasty meal. I'm also very happy to see that the number of guests are minimal, and that these guys fill this plate in their own right. Ok, enough with the food terms now. 
I can't really pick out a favourite track here, but at the same time no bad ones either. And that's both the blessing and the curse here. What I do miss when it comes to these guys is something a bit more rough, a bit more out there so to speak. But it's all very precise and perfect which kind of makes it too much after a while. I would like something a bit more chewy at times. That put aside though, do pick up this album. Both because it's really good, but also because artists like these deserve all the support they can get.
Rating: 7/10

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