Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hectic Zeniths - Type One Era

When Hectic Zeniths dropped his album with the same name back in 2011, I got hooked. Hooked to the beautiful melodies, the moods he created and the worlds the music opened up for me inside my head. That album is one that I still listen to quite often, whenever I feel I need to hide a bit from the world outside. So when I heard about type one era, I got really excited. Unfortunately I wasn't as taken this time around. This EP, while still good, is much less focused and more fragmented and it feels at time that it has no real sense of direction. It confuzes me at times, while sometimes creating that beautiful feeling in my head. Perhaps I need to give this record some more spins to really appreciate it fully, but for now I'm not feeling it that much.
Rating: 5/10

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