Sunday, March 03, 2013

Serengeti - Saal

I like Serengeti. You never quite know what to expect each time he releases a record, and that's something I admire. When I first put on Saal I was really pleased. I liked the soulful, singy album that sometimes are as far away from typical hip hop as you can get. He doesn't really get away with his new style though. At times he borders on the sound of Buck 65, and that's a good thing. All too often though he borders on the style of another Canadian rapper that I won't mention by name here. And that's not a good move. 
Even if I still like the album, I get less and less impressed by it, and I don't think that this is one of the Serengeti records that I will return to very often.
Rating: 5.5/10

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