Sunday, April 12, 2009

Defiance eller Defianzzzzz

Är det fel att bli uttråkad när man ser en film om hur polska judar under Andra Världskriget slöt sig samman för att undkomma förintelsen och deras tyska ockupanter? Well, det blev i alla fall jag när jag såg Defiance. Rejält uttråkad. Sorry


Elvira said...

Håller defenitivt inte med dig!

michael said...

Det behöver du inte heller ;)

Men en fråga. Tyckte du att Daniel Craig kändes trovärdig?

Anonymous said...

by the way you know a lot about survival ..welcome to my woods tosser !!! they rock and did something unreal city boy

michael said...

thank you anonymous caller.
first of I think it's interesting that you commented in English regarding a post in Swedish. Either you can't understand Swedish and then I don't see the point in your comment since you can't understand what I wrote. OR you understand Swedish but comment in English because...well, beats me...

But to get to the comment itself. I don't try to diminish the real events that took place. Not in any way. It's an amazing story and show some people with true heart and bravery. No doubt. BUT, an amazing true story don't make a great movie. This movie was a sleeping pill. Not because of any historical facts but because the acting was boring and I felt like falling asleep because of that. That's that.