Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Review: Ever since I first heard of this remake of Wes Craven's classic movie I've been shaking my head. I don't believe in remakes and my initial thought was to skip this movie all together. I mean, a remake that is done without any kind of assistance or co-operation of it's original creator can't be good. But then I thought: Hey, who am I to skip movies? And I'm also a believer in the idea that I can never diss a movie, book or record before I've checked it out myself. So today I sat down to watch the movie.
If I was to compare to any horror movie out there it's actually an ok flick. But since it's a remake of a classic it really isn't ok at all. Sure, it's gory and well made. But Jackie Earle Haley in the role of Freddy Krueger is far from what Robert Englund made into an horror icon. And I just can't see the point in this movie whatsoever. Except to make money of course, but that is rarely what makes a movie good. So can I recommend this movie to anyone? Well, perhaps fans of the franchise that wants to see it all. Otherwise it's pointless. If you haven't seen the original movies, watch them instead. They are way better.

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