Monday, May 14, 2012

Two Reviews of Teak/Wax Gotti/Maestro Gamin - KINGLI$H

Time again for a double review. And this time around we're sinking our teeth into KINGLI$H by Maestro Gamin, Wax Gotti and Teak Beatlovski and the good people at LURKMUSIC.COM.

Jessika's review:
My rookie hip-hop ears are doing standing ovations hearing this. No I don´t have much to compare with but do I have to? If I like something, I like something and that’s that!
Nice lyrics, good flow, steady beats and with a wicked jazzy ring to it, to sum it all up. I don´t know what other way to describe it.
The only downside is that I don’t know if it will stay long in my “music that will always put me in a good mood” list… The jazzy theme that I like so much and kind of, in my opinion, keeps the whole thing together, might also make it boring after a while. It kind of sounds the same after a while and I´m afraid even the lyrics will get lost in the jazzy blur. But let us not hope that it will come to that and enjoy it for as long as possible. And always remember, “being thoroughly and assuredly anti… fashion” 

Michael's review:
Ah, it's always nice to hear a confident emcee doing his thing. Maestro Gamin is a quite recent discovery for me, but one that I'm really glad to have made. I loved the petting zoo when it dropped, and KINGLI$H sounds like the logical progression in many ways. Jazzy productions from Teak Beatlovski laced with Maestro's amazing poetry. I've touched the subject of spoken word and music many times through out the years, and apart from some of Saul Williams's stuff, this is the best I've heard. Perfect for those days when you just want to listen to someone in complete control of the English language serving up amazing poems for you, backed up by great tracks.

Jessika's rating: 7/10
Michael's rating: 7/10

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