Friday, September 07, 2012

WHY? - Mumps, etc.

A lot of the discussions leading up to this new album from WHY? have been about whether or not Yoni Wolf is going to rap more on this one than on the previous ones. I know that I myself have been hoping to hear him rap more, but in the end the question is really unimportant. No matter what form he uses, he's still one of my all time favourite lyricists and just hearing him spread his poetry is good enough for me.
The important question should be, is Mumps, etc. a good album? Of course it is! These guys don't seem to be able to put a foot wrong, and this record is no different. I'm not sure if I think it's as good as their earlier releases, but usually they grow on me and with time Mumps, etc. is probably an album I will return to time and again. Favourite tracks so far include Thirst, Jonathan's Hope and Way High on Highway 13.
Rating: 7/10

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