Monday, November 26, 2012

Myka 9 & Factor - Sovereign Soul

When it comes to technique and flow few, if any, emcees comes close to Myka 9. His flow is out of this world and nothing seems to be able to stand in his way. Except good songs. That might sound really harsh, but if you ask me, he's very seldom the man producing good music. Sure, he's made some classic stuff with Freestyle Fellowship, and his album 1969 was really good when it came out a few years ago. But other than that his output has been really weak and uninteresting. It seems too often that he thinks that his skills is enough, and he forget that you actually have to produce good music too. 
I got my hopes up when I heard that he was making Sovereign Soul together with Factor, because here we have a producer that brings out the best in most of the artists that he works with. And there are some really interesting tracks on this album. But mostly thanks to Factor's production. Myka himself keep doing his thing unaware that it sometimes is like listening to a sonic sleeping pill. 
There are some nice tracks on the album such as 5 Mikes (one of the few times on the album that he sounds hungry), Mind Heights and Bask in These Rays, but unfortunately songs such as Heaven Up, Sexy to the BeatBless Me Out (hip hop and reggae almost never works) and In So Far As We Know brings it all down. The lyrics to the last track actually made me skip it each listen. All in all a nice try, but it didn't do anything for me.
Rating: 4.5/10

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