Sunday, July 03, 2011

Peace & Love 2011

Time for a short review of this year's edition of Peace & Love. I didn't really watch that many shows in the beginning due to work at the festival. But the first days brought some good performances by Paulo Nutini, Lykke Li and Timbuktu and some less than good shows from bob hund, Sator and Social Distortion. The last day however was a real treat for me. It started off with Kapten Röd. He did a great show and I literally had goosebumps throughout the whole thing. He performed some new material from the album Fläcken Som Aldrig Går Bort and it sounded as good as I could have hoped for. After that it was time for Sage Francis. I've seen him a bunch of times throughout the years, and he always delivers. And this time was no different. Few artists can do what he does with just a microphone and a CD-player, but it was awesome as always. After that it was time for some Bad Religion. I like their music, but I soon lost interest and left. I took a little break before watching the end of Säkert!. There really is something about Annika Norlin that I like. After that it was time for Bob Dylan. This was the show that most people had looked forward to, but I must say that it was nothing more than listening to the Swedish Chef roaring noices with the help of some blues musicians. Boring was the word. I left before he finished to go and check out Beardyman. I loved it. Such a talent and such a party he created on the dancefloor. He lived up to all of my expectiations. Caught a few songs of Christian Kjellvander (good), Foreigner (crap) and Håkan Hellström (ok) before ending the day and the festival with Prop Dylan. He got good songs but live he mostly bores me to be honest. All in all a good festival and I'm happy that I went.

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