Saturday, November 12, 2011

Milo - I Wish My Brother Rob Was Here

I love when you run across artists and records that you never heard about before, and end up really liking it. Milo is one of those artists and I Wish My Brother Rob Was Here is on of those records. There are plenty of so-called nerd rappers out there nowadays. People making records about Star Wars, board games, libraries and video games. Unfortunately most of them makes that their gimmick, sort of hipster nerd rappers. That's what's so refreshing about I Wish My Brother Rob Was Here. Sure, Milo talks about a lot of the same subjects, but he's doing it in a very casual everyday way. That makes the nerd part of it, if you want to call it that, more real and more relevant in some way. Of course none of this would matter if he didn't have skills. Milo is a really nice emcee with clever lyrics and a impressive flow. On this mixtape he's also picked beats by people like fLako, Shlohmo, Flying Lotus, Com Truise and Madlib to rhyme over which is a really nice match. One of the best records I've heard in quite a while to be honest. You can download it on his Bandcamp for free, just click here.

Rating: 4/5

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