Wednesday, January 19, 2011

THMS - Glömda Egenskaper

Second time in a couple of months now that I review music with Swedish lyrics. But this record is far from Josef Mauritzons soulful album. This is on the other side of the spectrum. Glömda Egenskaper is dirty, filled with noise and distortion and there is not a soulsingers voice anywhere near it. What we do get is awesome music though. And I should correct myself a bit. This is not a record with strictly Swedish lyrics. Aside from THMS himself we hear people flowing in English, French, German and Japanese. What can I compare this to? Well, the closest I can come is a compromised version of Goose Bumps 4.0. This is not music for most people and you will never hear this getting played on the radio. What you will get though is exciting music that continues to push the boundaries. The best thing though for all you cheapskates out there. You can download the album for yourself by going to New Cocoon. Expand your mind a bit and give Glömda Egenskaper a listen.

Rating: 3.5/5

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