Sunday, December 12, 2010

#10 RickoLus - Youngster

RickoLus is one of those guys who just popped out of nothing for me. I think I heard him for the first time on the Circle into Square Compilation vol. 1 and I got a bit hooked at once. There was something about his sound that really appealed to me. I then decided to check out his album Youngster, and boy was I in for a treat! It's was a perfect mix of lovely lo-fi and sweet melodies. Since I first heard it, the album have never left my iPod and I'm sure it will stay there for a while longer.

What was his highlights of the year then?

"First was seeing Jónsi ( from Sigur Rós and Rice Boy Sleeps) at The Paramount Theatre in Denver, Colorado. It was truly amazing, like nothing I've ever seen before. Jónsi is an icelandic angel wizard.

The second event is kinda hard to pin down to a specific moment. It is something a bit more... on a personal tip. Some time over the course of this year I became reacquainted with cassette tapes and making mix tapes. It's had a big impact on me, introducing this forsaken format into my music listening habits.  There is nothing like a cassette."


eatmyears said...

tycker att albumet i sig är ganska ojämnt men det som är bra är jättebra. Photographs är ett exempel på de bättre spåren. Har gillat den sen första gången jag såg videon och är fortfarande en utav mina favoritlåtar från 2010. Låter som ett nedtonat Modest Mouse. Fast bättre.

michael said...

Jag tyckte skivan var so-so i början, men sen växte den verkligen och lyssnas numera på ofta.